The Most Successful People In Life
Never Reach The Top All By Themselves
Now I know what you might be thinking -- "Of course they don't. Most wealthy people start with family connections, a trust fund or a lavish inheritance they can fall back on."
The intriguing part is, Dr Hill found that was NOT the case. Most of the great men and women he interviewed didn't come from "money". They didn't have a trust fund or inheritance to get them started. Many even started from a position of total poverty.
But what they did understand is the importance of collaborating with other high achievers on an on-going basis to fill, complement and supplement their knowledge gaps and make "quantum leaps" of insight and value creation that would have been not just difficult but impossible on their own.
In other words, they understood the unique value of being part of a "Mastermind" Group.
Today's Ultra-Rich And Mega-Successful Still Rely On The MasterMind Concept To Beat The Pants Off Their Competition
If you’ve ever wondered how people like Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet and Steve Jobs got to be so rich, famous and successful, it’s because they too have developed a "brains trust" or MasterMind Group that they regularly leverage to whip the pants off their competition.
They’re not necessarily smarter than you and me, but they have access to and take full advantage of the MasterMind Principle on an on-going basis -- while most people don’t even know what a MasterMind Group is!
These Peak Performers DO what most people never get around to doing and so produce results that most people can only dream of.
Dr Napoleon Hill explained in Think and Grow Rich that a MasterMind is a unique concept that leverages the collective power of the group, creating a ‘Third Mind’
A third mind that asks and answers questions you didn’t know you needed to ask to solve problems and overcome challenges you didn’t know you were about to face!
But What Napoleon Hill Didn't Explain Was HOW To Create And Run A MasterMind Group That Achieves REAL Results.
What would happen to your results in any area of your life (wealth, finances, career, relationships etc.) if the top 3 things holding you back were instantly and miraculously removed from your path?
I know it sounds bold and extreme, but just think about it for a few seconds...
What three obstacles are preventing you from achieving your career and business goals as well as your ultimate financial freedom?
Whatever those obstacles are, IF and I mean IF, they were instantly and magically removed, would it make a tiny or HUGE difference in your ability to achieve those goals?
IF removing your top 3 obstacles would made a difference and help you achieve your goals, keep reading because you might not know that....
Nearly every great achievement or massive fortune in history has been the product of a team of minds united in achieving the same, pre-defined goal - a MasterMind Group.
The American Declaration of Independence was the result of a MasterMind Group.
So was man's first powered flight.
So was man's first flight into space and subsequently the moon.
The MasterMind Group principle is simply stated as No two minds ever come together without creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.
No matter where you’re right now in your business or career it takes just one step to move forward. I call it your Next Best Step™.
The question is which step do you take?
A MasterMind Group will become YOUR secret weapon, giving you the edge that has been missing, so you always know what your Next Best Step™ is.
You know you need an Exponential MasterMind Group if you:
Often feel overwhelmed. This happens when your to do list gets out of hand and you feel like you're drowning with no way out.
Are lonely, even at the "the top". Going into business or climbing the corporate ladder is a very solitary existence if you don't have a trusted group of advisors, mentors and colleagues to bounce ideas off.
Are not performing to your true potential. You are the only one who really knows if you're living up to your true potential. If you are, you're living the lifestyle you thought you would be by now, otherwise you're settling and that can't feel good.
Feel unfulfilled. You lack that sense of serenity, calm and tranquility in your spirit and soul. You might even occasionally have difficulty falling asleep or getting a good night’s sleep.
Are not as passionate about your work, career or company as you once were. You've lost that spark, the fire-in-the-belly motivation to make things happen and have fun.
Dread Monday mornings and going into work. This is the worst feeling there is. Feeling like you're doing time in the entrepreneur's jail, 5, 6 or even 7 days a week with an annual 2-week furlough that feels more like a parole!
Feel stuck, powerless to affect change and make things happen like you used to. You yearn for those times that you were having fun building a business that was worth something and meant something.
Never Reach The Top All By Themselves
Now I know what you might be thinking -- "Of course they don't. Most wealthy people start with family connections, a trust fund or a lavish inheritance they can fall back on."
The intriguing part is, Dr Hill found that was NOT the case. Most of the great men and women he interviewed didn't come from "money". They didn't have a trust fund or inheritance to get them started. Many even started from a position of total poverty.
But what they did understand is the importance of collaborating with other high achievers on an on-going basis to fill, complement and supplement their knowledge gaps and make "quantum leaps" of insight and value creation that would have been not just difficult but impossible on their own.
In other words, they understood the unique value of being part of a "Mastermind" Group.
Today's Ultra-Rich And Mega-Successful Still Rely On The MasterMind Concept To Beat The Pants Off Their Competition
If you’ve ever wondered how people like Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet and Steve Jobs got to be so rich, famous and successful, it’s because they too have developed a "brains trust" or MasterMind Group that they regularly leverage to whip the pants off their competition.
They’re not necessarily smarter than you and me, but they have access to and take full advantage of the MasterMind Principle on an on-going basis -- while most people don’t even know what a MasterMind Group is!
These Peak Performers DO what most people never get around to doing and so produce results that most people can only dream of.
Dr Napoleon Hill explained in Think and Grow Rich that a MasterMind is a unique concept that leverages the collective power of the group, creating a ‘Third Mind’
A third mind that asks and answers questions you didn’t know you needed to ask to solve problems and overcome challenges you didn’t know you were about to face!
But What Napoleon Hill Didn't Explain Was HOW To Create And Run A MasterMind Group That Achieves REAL Results.
What would happen to your results in any area of your life (wealth, finances, career, relationships etc.) if the top 3 things holding you back were instantly and miraculously removed from your path?
I know it sounds bold and extreme, but just think about it for a few seconds...
What three obstacles are preventing you from achieving your career and business goals as well as your ultimate financial freedom?
Whatever those obstacles are, IF and I mean IF, they were instantly and magically removed, would it make a tiny or HUGE difference in your ability to achieve those goals?
IF removing your top 3 obstacles would made a difference and help you achieve your goals, keep reading because you might not know that....
Get Your Copy Now
Nearly every great achievement or massive fortune in history has been the product of a team of minds united in achieving the same, pre-defined goal - a MasterMind Group.
The American Declaration of Independence was the result of a MasterMind Group.
So was man's first powered flight.
So was man's first flight into space and subsequently the moon.
The MasterMind Group principle is simply stated as No two minds ever come together without creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.
No matter where you’re right now in your business or career it takes just one step to move forward. I call it your Next Best Step™.
The question is which step do you take?
A MasterMind Group will become YOUR secret weapon, giving you the edge that has been missing, so you always know what your Next Best Step™ is.
You know you need an Exponential MasterMind Group if you:
Often feel overwhelmed. This happens when your to do list gets out of hand and you feel like you're drowning with no way out.
Are lonely, even at the "the top". Going into business or climbing the corporate ladder is a very solitary existence if you don't have a trusted group of advisors, mentors and colleagues to bounce ideas off.
Are not performing to your true potential. You are the only one who really knows if you're living up to your true potential. If you are, you're living the lifestyle you thought you would be by now, otherwise you're settling and that can't feel good.
Feel unfulfilled. You lack that sense of serenity, calm and tranquility in your spirit and soul. You might even occasionally have difficulty falling asleep or getting a good night’s sleep.
Are not as passionate about your work, career or company as you once were. You've lost that spark, the fire-in-the-belly motivation to make things happen and have fun.
Dread Monday mornings and going into work. This is the worst feeling there is. Feeling like you're doing time in the entrepreneur's jail, 5, 6 or even 7 days a week with an annual 2-week furlough that feels more like a parole!
Feel stuck, powerless to affect change and make things happen like you used to. You yearn for those times that you were having fun building a business that was worth something and meant something.
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