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الجمعة، 2 سبتمبر 2011

My whole life I remember thinking that all pregnant women vomit. It was an inevitable part of life, then in college during my Philosophy of Women class a professor told us that she never got sick once when she was pregnant with her daughter. This news changed my life.

Up until then I had vowed never to have kids, I was going to adopt. Why? Because I have emetophobia. Simply put emetophobia is the fear of vomiting.

This instructor had a theory that green vegetables caused vomiting during pregnancy. I don't know why, or what she thought was in them that made a pregnant women sick, but she said that by avoiding green vegetables she avoided morning sickness. For some reason I never forgot this piece of information.

I would hear things throughout the year from other people like always keep saltines next to your bed. One women swore by ginger-root every morning. I gathered all of this information and kept a mental checklist for the next ten years.

My second step in preparing myself for pregnancy was to find out what I could and could not take while I was pregnant. I had so many anti-emetics at home, but which ones would be safe during pregnancy. Throughout the years my therapist used to laugh at the fact that I carried around an arsenal of medications, ginger root, compazine, and cola syrup. The trick was to find out which ones were safe during my pregnancy.

I researched normal cures for morning sickness and investigated a few alternative medicines. I found that I could hang on to my old stand byes, ginger-root and cola syrup, but the compazine would have to go.

I found some new herbal alternatives to try out. One thing I found that was safe during pregnancy and promised to provide relief was red raspberry leaf. Red Raspberry Leaf is found in a lot of pregnancy support teas because it is the most widely known herbal nutrient for uterine health, what you will find out if you dig a little deeper is that it does in fact help nausea. I would drink a glass whenever feeling a little off, and it worked wonders.

After doing all of my research I also wanted to ask my doctor what he recommends to prevent nausea and vomiting. To my surprise he recommended drinking Lemonade. He said that a lot of nausea can be caused due to dehydration, and something in the lemonade can in fact settle the stomach.

The fact that a sour beverage would cure morning-sickness made sense when my research on the subject turned up a product called preggie pops that also helped nausea. Preggie pops and preggie pop drops helped my nausea with their blend of essential oils and slightly sour taste.

When I finally did become pregnant I was scared, but I was prepared. I had emetophobia, but I had properly researched everything safe effective morning sickness cures and was ready to safely and securely concur my morning sickness without any fear of harming my unborn child. I am proud to say that by using the tricks I learned through my research I survived a healthy and happy pregnancy, something I thought would be impossible for someone with emetophobia a few years back.



Different Themes
Written by Lovely

Aenean quis feugiat elit. Quisque ultricies sollicitudin ante ut venenatis. Nulla dapibus placerat faucibus. Aenean quis leo non neque ultrices scelerisque. Nullam nec vulputate velit. Etiam fermentum turpis at magna tristique interdum.

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