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الخميس، 9 يونيو 2011

If like me, you're tired of feeling helpless as you watch our planet being destroyed with chemicals, pollution and pesticides...

If you're disgusted with profit addicted corporations like Monsanto destroying our food with GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)...

If you're tired of looking up and seeing the endless "secret" chem-trails of Barium and Aluminum being sprayed all over our skies, poisoning the very air our children breathe...

Then please take 5 minutes to read this letter, because this is one of the keys to healing our planet, our soil, and this will let you grow the most incredible, healing, and nutrient dense food on Earth for your family, way beyond simple organic gardening methods, read on...

What is Biodynamic Farming?

Hi my name is Kacper, if you don't know me already, I'm a major activist of freedom on this planet, I've been involved with free energy development, biodome construction, and a wide variety of technologies for sustainable living.

In my opinion, nothing is as important to learn during this time of great change on our planet as Biodynamic Farming. What is biodynamic Farming?

In a nutshell, here's what Biodynamic Farming is... Imagine for a moment you had a secret technology, which was so advanced and in harmony with nature, that it allowed you to do the following:

    Heal dead soil. Turn soil with years of damage from chemicals back into living arable soil that can grow real food again...
    Minimize effort... Using this technology you can grow incredible food, without worrying about disease, as your plants will be thriving with life, strength, and immunity.
    Grow the most NUTRIENT DENSE food on the planet. Biodynamically grown food is 5 to 10 times more nutritious than regular "organic food", and has many healing properties. The nutrient density of biodynamic food is quite simply... off the scale.
    Open a new dimension of depth and understanding. When you use biodynamic methods, you develop a unusual connection with nature which brings a unprecedented amount of joy and peace into your life...

This is what biodynamics lets you do.

You'd think if this was so incredible, everyone should have heard about it by now... but 99.99% of farmers have never heard of Biodynamics, or Rudolf Steiner... because it has never been a necessity, until now:

Time Is Running Out For
Our Food Supply ...

I think everyone awake at this point in history would agree that we live in "interesting" times...

The biggest crisis looming over the horizon for all of us right now is the food crisis.

The time of getting your food from the super-market every week is quite simply coming to an end. As inflation and oil prices sky-rocket, food shortages are already a reality, and at one point, the food will simply stop coming.
    All the arable land in North America is being destroyed by devastating farming practices... Monsanto's GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) seeds, and pesticides, which are depleting the soil, poisoning our bodies, poisoning our fresh water, and killing beneficial insects(bees) vital to our survival on this planet.... all at an alarmingly rapid rate.
    The main underground water reserves in the central USA(where most of the food comes from), are pretty much depleted, 2011 will be a devastating year in terms of food supply.
    Record high oil prices as a result of the collapse of the U.S. dollar, and war in the middle east, will lead to record high food prices in 2011
    Never mind the shortages, the stuff in the stores isn't edible either way. 1 in 3 people in America now get cancer. Eating conventional produce is the equivalent of eating styrofoam, there are no nutrients left in the soil. And even organic produce is now being affected...
    To add insult to injury, our skies are being constantly sprayed with Barium and Aluminum through government operated Chem-trail programs which are no longer a secret "conspiracy theory", but obvious, just look at the skies(see picture to the right)

Aluminum is showing up in soil all over the planet in shocking quantities, and plants are beginning to die...


Different Themes
Written by Lovely

Aenean quis feugiat elit. Quisque ultricies sollicitudin ante ut venenatis. Nulla dapibus placerat faucibus. Aenean quis leo non neque ultrices scelerisque. Nullam nec vulputate velit. Etiam fermentum turpis at magna tristique interdum.

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