If you're interested in freeing yourself, and your family for good from the industrial and corporate food beast that is poisoning our food with GMO(Genetically Modified Organisms), pesticides, hormones, fluoride, and many other cancer causing chemicals, then this will be the most important letter you read in your entire life, here's why:
You too can have your very own geodesic green house dome, which produces amazingly nourishing organic food for you and your whole family, year round, no matter where you are on this planet, even in the dead of winter.
Here's What Most People Don't Know
About Geodesic Dome Greenhouses:
They're extremely cheap to build. You can build one for pennies compared to the cost of normal green-houses by using regular 2x4s from Home Depot.
They're extremely heat efficient. With proper design and covering you can have your own "Eden Dome" with a tropical temperatures inside, even in the dead of winter.
It's the strongest structure mankind can build. Geodesic domes can withstand an incredible amount of force, they're Earthquake proof and will withstand hurricane force winds.
You can build them to any size, anywhere. No matter what space you have to work with in your back-yard.
You can grow an incredible amount of food inside your bio-dome, year round, and have your very own "eden food factory"
They're extremely light & portable, you can easily move them! You do not need a permit to build a temporary structure, and can have one whether you own land or you're just renting! Read on...
The Magic Of Having Your
Very Own Eden Biodome
Hi there. My name is Kacper Postawski,
I have been searching for a solution to the many problems on our planet, especially with our food supply for over a decade. Recently, with the looming food shortages coming a result of inflation it's become of utter importance to me that I find a solution, because I realized the life and well being of my family was on the line here.
Right around this time, a friend introduced me to Geodesic Domes.... and once I saw what was possible with Geodesic Domes, I was absolutely hooked, and super excited about having geodesic domes on our property to grow our own food year round.
The benefits of geodesic domes are enormous, and almost hard to believe. With the proper set up you can literally grow your own food year round... and if you do what I tell you, you can even have tropical temperatures and grow tropical fruit, even if you live somewhere as cold and rainy like I do, in Vancouver, Canada.
Just look at this video below to get a feel what having your own dome is like!
You too can have your very own geodesic green house dome, which produces amazingly nourishing organic food for you and your whole family, year round, no matter where you are on this planet, even in the dead of winter.
Here's What Most People Don't Know
About Geodesic Dome Greenhouses:
They're extremely cheap to build. You can build one for pennies compared to the cost of normal green-houses by using regular 2x4s from Home Depot.
They're extremely heat efficient. With proper design and covering you can have your own "Eden Dome" with a tropical temperatures inside, even in the dead of winter.
It's the strongest structure mankind can build. Geodesic domes can withstand an incredible amount of force, they're Earthquake proof and will withstand hurricane force winds.
You can build them to any size, anywhere. No matter what space you have to work with in your back-yard.
You can grow an incredible amount of food inside your bio-dome, year round, and have your very own "eden food factory"
They're extremely light & portable, you can easily move them! You do not need a permit to build a temporary structure, and can have one whether you own land or you're just renting! Read on...
The Magic Of Having Your
Very Own Eden Biodome
Hi there. My name is Kacper Postawski,
I have been searching for a solution to the many problems on our planet, especially with our food supply for over a decade. Recently, with the looming food shortages coming a result of inflation it's become of utter importance to me that I find a solution, because I realized the life and well being of my family was on the line here.
Right around this time, a friend introduced me to Geodesic Domes.... and once I saw what was possible with Geodesic Domes, I was absolutely hooked, and super excited about having geodesic domes on our property to grow our own food year round.
The benefits of geodesic domes are enormous, and almost hard to believe. With the proper set up you can literally grow your own food year round... and if you do what I tell you, you can even have tropical temperatures and grow tropical fruit, even if you live somewhere as cold and rainy like I do, in Vancouver, Canada.
Just look at this video below to get a feel what having your own dome is like!
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