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الخميس، 9 يونيو 2011

Did you just get a new horse and have no idea how to train it?

Are you frustrated by "Bad Horse Behavior"-whether its  kicking, biting, rearing, or crowding?

Do you feel like your horse just doesn't respect you, is unsafe to ride, and you don't know what to do about it?

Are you interested in learning the best, fastest and easiest way to train your horse so that he is trusting and relaxed, safe to ride, and bonds with you like a true friend, without spending a lot of money on trainers or resorting to harsh methods?

If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, then this may very well be the most exciting message you've read all day. Here's why...

You're about to discover a proven system for training and handling horses that is gentle and helps you form a deep connection with your horse. This system works with any horse and any riding system-Western or English, whether your horse is a draft horse or pony, stallion, gelding or mare.

Welcome to Gentle Natural Horsemanship, a simple and effective way for horse lovers to train their horses regardless of experience or skill level. By learning to think and act in ways a horse intuitively understands, you'll learn to become a kind and gentle leader for your horse, eliminate any bad behavior, and build the kind of relationship with your horse you've always dreamed of. This system was developed by master horse trainer Eric Bravo-and he's about to teach you everything he knows.

Here's the thing: Professional Trainers Know How To Read Horses

Everything horses do stems from two facts: Horses are prey animals and in the wild, they live in structured, hierarchical societies. They can get attacked and eaten easily, and they can die easily. To survive, a horse needs to be able to read the environment, detect threats and respond to them with hair trigger accuracy. And the herd places its trust in a strong leader-the stallion or alpha mare who makes life and death decisions. Every horse knows where he fits in the structure of the herd. This history of horse life-something every horse intuitively understands from birth-is why horses exhibit "bad behavior". They are either in survival mode or trying to find out who the leader of the herd is.

What you probably don't know is that bad behaviors can be totally prevented by providing them with the proper leadership and attention! This can be done without force-by using body language to tell your horse that you are his trusted leader and friend-and that he is always safe with you.


Different Themes
Written by Lovely

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