Banish Knitting Frustration Forever!
…without spending hours on the Internet searching for videos, without ripping out your work over and over, and without fear or frustration!
You want to knit awesome stuff but…
You don’t know how to knit it, or whether you are ready
You can’t understand the instructions, and you’ve been searching the internet for days for the answer to your knitting question
You’ve heard about Magic Loop and Toe-Up Socks but have no idea where to start learning, or if you can even do it
You’ve tried knitting socks and you are ready to give up!
You’ve bought knitting books and gone to your local yarn store, but you still can’t figure out how to easily knit socks
It can be so frustrating when…
You’ve already paid a bunch of money for classes and books, and you still can’t figure out how to knit socks
You’ve been trying to find help on YouTube, but the videos go too fast, are blurry, or don’t show you what you need to see>
You’ve wasted days searching for answers to your questions on Ravelry, on the Internet, and on YouTube, and still haven’t solved your problem
You’ve got pain in your hands and fingers because of the way you are knitting, but you can’t figure out how to make it easier
You hate double-pointed needles and can barely wrap your head, let alone your hands, around why knitting in the round has to be so complicated
You’d like to try new projects but the closest help you have is at the Michaels (an hour away), and they don’t know jack!
What separates the people who can knit everything happily and effortlessly from everyone else? They…
Know what their experience is going to be like, before they start their next project.
Are so confident in their knitting skills that they can be creative, instead of wondering why their project doesn’t look like the one in the picture
Know the easiest ways to do every technique they need
Have extra time and energy to knit because they’re not spending hours undoing their mistakes or waiting until the morning so they can take their project to their local yarn store to fix the mess they’ve made
Have a supportive group of people around them who are all learning the same skills, and are eager to cheer them on, wherever they are, day or night!
Can reach out to expert knitters with their questions, at any time of day or night, whenever they need help.
If you’re really serious about improving your knitting skills and being able to knit gorgeous projects, you need to…
Feel very comfortable reading knitting patterns and abbreviations, and be aware of the project-ruining pitfalls to watch out for
Practice correctly performing the many intermediate knitting stitches, such as SSK, S2KP, YO, Ptbl, and many more
Know how to choose the right yarn so that your project comes out the way you imagined (and in your budget, too)
Identify which knitting products will make your life easier, and where to buy them without spending a ton of money
Learn how to knit in the round, so you can easily make mittens, hats, gloves, socks, and sweaters
Practice common intermediate techniques like picking up and knitting stitches, knitting two tubes at a time (2-at-a-time), creating gussets, and seaming with Kitchener stitch
Have different cast-on and bind-off techniques in your repertoire
Be comfortable substituting yarns and adjusting the sizes of your patterns
Read your work and keep track of where you are without writing anything down
You’ll also want to be able to do advanced techniques like…
Finished your ribbed projects with a stretchy and invisible bind-off
Knit socks and other projects both toe-up and top-down
Make two sweater-sleeves at a time
Create mirrored shaping
Knit Continental style without looking
And I realize I’ve been talking to you this far without even introducing myself. How rude. Let’s take care of that right now, shall we?
…without spending hours on the Internet searching for videos, without ripping out your work over and over, and without fear or frustration!
You want to knit awesome stuff but…
You don’t know how to knit it, or whether you are ready
You can’t understand the instructions, and you’ve been searching the internet for days for the answer to your knitting question
You’ve heard about Magic Loop and Toe-Up Socks but have no idea where to start learning, or if you can even do it
You’ve tried knitting socks and you are ready to give up!
You’ve bought knitting books and gone to your local yarn store, but you still can’t figure out how to easily knit socks
It can be so frustrating when…
You’ve already paid a bunch of money for classes and books, and you still can’t figure out how to knit socks
You’ve been trying to find help on YouTube, but the videos go too fast, are blurry, or don’t show you what you need to see>
You’ve wasted days searching for answers to your questions on Ravelry, on the Internet, and on YouTube, and still haven’t solved your problem
You’ve got pain in your hands and fingers because of the way you are knitting, but you can’t figure out how to make it easier
You hate double-pointed needles and can barely wrap your head, let alone your hands, around why knitting in the round has to be so complicated
You’d like to try new projects but the closest help you have is at the Michaels (an hour away), and they don’t know jack!
What separates the people who can knit everything happily and effortlessly from everyone else? They…
Know what their experience is going to be like, before they start their next project.
Are so confident in their knitting skills that they can be creative, instead of wondering why their project doesn’t look like the one in the picture
Know the easiest ways to do every technique they need
Have extra time and energy to knit because they’re not spending hours undoing their mistakes or waiting until the morning so they can take their project to their local yarn store to fix the mess they’ve made
Have a supportive group of people around them who are all learning the same skills, and are eager to cheer them on, wherever they are, day or night!
Can reach out to expert knitters with their questions, at any time of day or night, whenever they need help.
If you’re really serious about improving your knitting skills and being able to knit gorgeous projects, you need to…
Feel very comfortable reading knitting patterns and abbreviations, and be aware of the project-ruining pitfalls to watch out for
Practice correctly performing the many intermediate knitting stitches, such as SSK, S2KP, YO, Ptbl, and many more
Know how to choose the right yarn so that your project comes out the way you imagined (and in your budget, too)
Identify which knitting products will make your life easier, and where to buy them without spending a ton of money
Learn how to knit in the round, so you can easily make mittens, hats, gloves, socks, and sweaters
Practice common intermediate techniques like picking up and knitting stitches, knitting two tubes at a time (2-at-a-time), creating gussets, and seaming with Kitchener stitch
Have different cast-on and bind-off techniques in your repertoire
Be comfortable substituting yarns and adjusting the sizes of your patterns
Read your work and keep track of where you are without writing anything down
You’ll also want to be able to do advanced techniques like…
Finished your ribbed projects with a stretchy and invisible bind-off
Knit socks and other projects both toe-up and top-down
Make two sweater-sleeves at a time
Create mirrored shaping
Knit Continental style without looking
And I realize I’ve been talking to you this far without even introducing myself. How rude. Let’s take care of that right now, shall we?
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